Blonde in Bollywood


If you have followed this blog closely (anyone?), you might have noticed that this Summer there was a little lapse in the consistency of my posting. I got stuck in a little non-blogging rut because I was lucky enough to travel to Mumbai with the Beyond UTS International Leadership Development Society. With the society I got to spend three weeks studying Marketing in Bollywood. It was an amazing and eye-opening experience.

I started a blog about the experience at a new site:

It’s not entirely up to date, but despite this you may be interested in having a look. I had been inspired by Holy Cow: An Adventure in India by Sarah MacDonald and wanted to try my hand at travel writing.

I have included pictures, musing and incomplete journal entries. I have made a table comparing Bollywood Cinema vs. Australian Cinema. You can see that here:

Thanks again to the BUiLD for sending me. It was an absolutely amazing experience which I hope to one day turn into some good writing!



Mumbai wedding

Mumbai wedding
