You Are Here Festival

I’m super excited to hear that I have been asked to be part of the You Are Here Festival in Canberra, Australia. A reading of my monologue ‘Colgate Cares’, about working as a mall promoter, will be recorded and part of an audio installation Mall Stories to be listened to while exploring the Canberra Centre!

Every day hundreds of people tramp through the corridors, stores and food courts of Canberra malls… hundreds of people, hundreds of stories. Download the Mall Stories walking tour, slap on a pair of headphones and experience a very different Canberra Centre.

-You Are Here Website

The You Are Here Festival is a free arts event that showcases Australian alternate arts and underground creative culture in Canberra. Spanning 10 days, from 8-18th of March, the festival aims to present artists work in non-traditional venues, to reinvigorate the Canberra area and attract attention from new audiences.

Make sure you check it out! I’m so happy to be involved in the arts culture of my fathers home town and the capital of Australia! Makes all those long hours of approaching tired shoppers worth it. Add them on facebook! Check out their site!

I’ll keep everyone updated about the progress!


You can download the audio here: